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Agility to embrace future changes​

Launch an agile revolution. Evolve your work culture, adopt more customer-centric product development processes and pursue better business opportunities.

Business agility

Agile operating models can help your company take change in its stride. These models help your business operate transparently and grant you more control in an ever-changing business environment. With adaptive strategies, agile portfolio management and financial administration, our tools can give your business the agility it needs.

Resilient organisation

Resilience is a mark of true success. Our people can help you build strong, powerful and capable teams that work together when faced with unexpected changes. No matter which direction you are bent, stretched or pressed, your business will always find a new path forward.

Lean product management

We’re experts in product life cycle management and product ownership. Guided by design thinking and agile principles, we’ll ideate the possible solutions and help you choose the right one to take forward. Working in teams together with our clients ensures our solutions meet both business and user needs. This approach helps us achieve superior results, faster.

Agile product development

Scrum, SAFe and DevOps. Those of you who know, know. When these models are used as a base for product development, they can enable you to scale quickly and easily throughout the whole value chain. It's a way to stay a step ahead by continuously providing your customers with value.


We offer customer-specific and public training. Whether you're an individual or an organisation, we can help you and your team develop the skills needed to meet tomorrow's challenges.

Contact us

  • Maarit Laanti

    Director, Training, SAFe Fellow

    Phone number

    +358 40 5308056

    Email address

  • Rami Sirkiä

    Managing director, Lean-Agile transformations

    Phone number

    +358 40 7319602

    Email address