Nitor Insight is a one-stop shop for data services at Nitor. We extract business value from data and build data intensive solutions. Our aim is to help our customer in their business with pragmatic approach, focusing on solving the problems with the right tools, without relying on any specific technology or methods.

We are now looking for senior data engineering consultants with several years of hands-on experience in coding and working with cloud technologies and relational databases. As a Data Architect, you master standard tools for creating data intensive applications, automate and orchestrate data pipelines and simplify technical concepts to common sense. You are comfortable with working with customers and can train their specialists to use and maintain a solution.

Above all, you are passionately interested in data engineering, and you actively follow the developments in the industry. You want to become better at your job and to grow into a top expert in your field. We will provide you with exceptional support and freedom to achieve this.